Photography by Tina Ortiz, Amsterdam, 2018
Digital storytelling and branding are literally the meat and potatoes for marketing. Everywhere you look, there are buzzwords asking you if you “have the right branding? Are you branding yourself correctly? How do you create your own brand?” and many similar topics. Branding, or creating your own brand, is advising bus
inesses where they currently are versus where they need to be. Their branding has to be cohesive. They have to learn to project what is true for them.
Digital storytelling should be done by every marketing student. I actually feel this class could be taught first, almost like a prerequisite for any marketing Master's program.
This course has been vital in my growth as a student. I can imagine myself referring back to the archetype personality quiz with my future clients. I can also see myself using the “Smile not Scratch” method when creating a Brand's name.
The Brand Story presentation was one of my favorites. I love being creative and expressive. Also, in the future, at my marketing job, I can see this Brand Story template being used to create presentations to my clients: showing them what they are currently projecting, where they want to be, and how a cohesive brand voice will be beneficial.
As a digital marketing manager, it will be my job to help a company define who they currently are, what their product and services are, and why it is important? Finding out what their brand archetype is, their uses of color, any changes that need to be made will be primary steps to creating an entire cohesive brand for that client.
When I first started this class, I was 100% sure that my chosen company was a bad choice. My old personal feelings about their name and logo were very strong. But after doing the proper analysis, I found out that [not only was I off by 75%] but that it appears they may have been working with someone who knew about archetypes and brand voice. It has also been fun to rework that company's image on some of the projects. I almost wish that I could show them my brand story and presentation as well as my brand strategy.
Finally, believe it or not this is the first time I have ever used Pecha Kucha presentation style. Just like everybody said, this is a very simple way to get straight to the point. I will be going to this style for all of my presentations in the future.
For more insight, please see my Sharepoint Folder for this month:
Robert Greene, 2019, Viking Publishing