Starting in the Digital Marketing Masters Degree program is scary enough. Nevermind that I am 40+ and single. Sometimes, it's the hardest obstacles that need to be dealt with now.
Those who know me, quickly found out that I am a mother of two adult children who are also enrolled in college at the same time as me . (They are in UCF in different Digital programs.) So all three of us are getting these degrees before it's too late.
For me, it wasn't a moment too soon. In January of this year, the company I was working for just sold itself and laid us all off. (Insert Shock and Awe soundtrack here!).
With nowhere to turn, I just did what I usually do: dig deeper and ask more people for some advice. It's bizarre that me and 350 of my colleagues are all hitting the job market at the same time, in the same area, for the same types of jobs.

Fun WIX image representing what my colleagues and I must look like
at a job interview waiting room.
Luckily, I can throw myself into my schoolwork. I can excel at each project, because I don't have the excuse that I was working all day.
My Master Journal was thoughtful & poetic.

Pages from my Master Journal - January 2023.
For me, it's hard to plan an accurate timeline so early in this program. Having just planned my entire work schedule around school and my social life around weekend homework, I now find myself waiting to see what will happen in the next few weeks and months.
I'm applying for new jobs and that may play a huge part in how I proceed with my Digital Marketing internships, career, and what direction I have to take. I don't want to tempt the fates right now.
The Value of the Cloud and Sharepoint
As a photographer, I know that half the work is preparing for the actual shoot. Location scouting, meetings with stylists, and charting out composition are all done before the finished photograph.
The same goes for students in the Masters Degree program, like me. Saving everything, old articles, screenshots of blogs (my God, I have a ton of screenshots!), and drafted research papers are the ways to look back and see myself in different stages of learning and growth.
Half the time, I just like showing friends and family what I am doing -but the other time, I need to show clients what I am capable of.

One of the best tools that I received from this course, that will last my entire career, is my understanding of Sharepoint, and the folders therein. (See above).